We recognize that God fearfully and wonderfully makes every individual. Our Misson is to accomplish our God given vision by ministering to the whole man – spirit, soul, and body.
Realizing that a strong healthy family promotes a strong healthy church. Our mission is to provide Christ – centered Education, which will develop ambassadors and warriors to manifest the Kingdom of God.
Our mission is to denounce and tear down racial and denominational barriers by fellowshipping with other ministries in Word – centered activities. We will sponsor quality Christian community activities to combat crime and destruction while building esteem and hope within the community. Utilizing local media networks, we will declare a message of hope and restoration versus a message of fear and hopelessness.
Our mission is to teach and encourage the personal sacrifice of time, talent, and monetary resources of each individual to maintain and strengthen God’s house, ministries, and appointed under the shepherd.
We are committed to excellence, expecting the full return.